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COVID-19 information

Many of our patients have been contacting our centers, Looking for information to help keep their families healthy and safe. Your health and safety is our priority, too. We’ve always taken great pride in our clean and well-run centers, which met CDC standards for cleanliness even before the outbreak of COVID-19. And of course, we’re also committed to keeping our team and their families safe and healthy.  As part of this, we’re encouraging our patients to consult public health resources as a first step in identifying whether there’s a need to self-quarantine before visiting Everest urgent care.Everest urgent care is committed to helping improve the health of the communities we serve, and it’s something we take to heart in good times and bad. This is why we’ll be working hard to keep our clinics open so we can be there to support our patients and their families.


At this time, we are maintaining our regular business hours. 

                         Before visiting  Everest

If you have a fever, shortness of breath or a cough,

AND have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19

or if you have recently traveled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19, please call the Philadelphia Dept. of Public Health coronavirus hotline (215-685-5488) or your local Department of Public Health at one of the numbers below before visiting.


Philadelphia County


Delaware County


Bucks County

How is Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread?

The novel Coronavirus is spread person-to-person when infected individuals cough or sneeze, sending contagious respiratory droplets airborne. These droplets can then land on or be inhaled by others who are in close contact with them (within 6 feet). These droplets may also contaminate solid surfaces within the room. With this virus, it seems that individuals can become infected even when the contagious person is not displaying any symptoms. The most common symptoms have been similar to those of the flu: cough, fever, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

How Can I Protect Myself?

Since there is currently no vaccine to prevent the novel Coronavirus, the best way to avoid infection is to maintain proper hygiene:

  • Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, using the restroom, coughing, or sneezing. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you cannot wash them.

  • If you need to sneeze, do so into a tissue. If one is not readily available, sneeze into your inner elbow. Wash your hands immediately afterwards.

  • Disinfect often-used items and surfaces regularly.

For more information and updates on the 2019 novel Coronavirus, please refer to the CDC’s website here.

Everest Medical Care - Primary Care
2010 West Chester Pike, Suite 448
Havertown, PA 19083


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